Friday, December 08, 2006

Winslow's late hit infuriates Steelers

Friday, December 08, 2006
Mary Kay Cabot
Cleveland Plain Dealer

The Steelers were incensed by what they felt was a cheap shot by Browns tight end Kellen Winslow Jr. on linebacker James Farrior in the fourth quarter. Winslow was flagged 15 yards for a personal foul after hitting Farrior well after the play was over.

"That hit shows the type of player he is," Farrior said. "He's a punk. To do something like that is pretty bad. All he does is talk, talk, talk. He talks trash but doesn't back it up."

Said Steelers linebacker Joey Porter, who came to Farrior's defense and went after Winslow: "I have no respect for that guy. He's a [expletive]. He's soft, man, he's soft.

"I have no respect for somebody who takes a cheap shot like he did. He wants to be tough and he takes a shot at Farrior, but he's soft. He doesn't want to get physical. He'd rather line up wide than mix it up."

Porter said Winslow tried to shake his hand before the game and Porter declined.

"He was trying to be a nice guy and then he runs his mouth during the game and takes cheap shots. Well, which is it? What do you want to be? A nice guy or a tough guy?"

Porter said when Winslow tried to shake his hand, he said, "No. You don't know me. Get away from me, man.

"We're not friends at all. I thought it might go that way, that we might have a mutual respect thing, but not now, not after that cheap shot."

Porter also leveled some shots at the Browns in general: "They keep trying to make this a rivalry, but it's not a rivalry. It's one-sided now. It can't be a rivalry if we keep whuppin' 'em like that. They talk junk but they don't back it up."

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